Professional career program

Order Processing Trainee


Bruttó 2 000 Ft/óra


Looking for a long term job opportunity? Interested in logistics and administration? Do you speak English fluently? If the answer is yes to these questions than you are the perfect candidate for this position. After the onboarding process home office is provided! Your responsibilities would be maintain the contact with suppliers and customers on logistics field, providing the right logistics information to internal and external customers (stock level, delivery date, lead time, etc.).Your task will be to control logistic service level and deploy actions to boost customer satisfaction, follow up the DC’s deliveries: shipping process from the picking in the warehouse until the goods leave the DC, propose necessary developing in the integrated information system
and optimize the sales administration flows. If you find the opportunity attractive, apply now!


Over 18 years; Precision; Economics/Business studies


40 hours/week or 20 hours/week

Bérezés (bruttó)

Bruttó 2 000 Ft/óra

Jelentkezés formája

To apply for a job, register on the website (or log in to your existing account) and upload your resume to your own profile. After that, click on the application button at the job. For more information about the work, contact our colleague Rácz Karolina at phone number +36302955497 or by email at



25 év alatt a bruttó béred egyenlő a nettó béreddel.

Az eredmény a fent megadott értékek alapján

Amennyiben nem töltötted be a 25. életévedet, és a havi bruttó fizetésed nem haladja meg az 576 601 Ft-ot, úgy a nettó béred megegyezik a bruttó béreddel, tehát az SZJA nem kerül tőled levonásra.

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Ne maradj le a kiemelt munkalehetőségekről, hasznos karrier tippekről!

Diákmunkával kapcsolatos kérdésed van?

Azért vagyunk, hogy segítsünk, keress minket az alábbi elérhetőségeken:


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Munkát keresek

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Munkaerőt keresek