Student work at Y Diák

Your career starts here!

Looking for a student job? Use the search engine to narrow down the results according to your needs and click on the ad to apply!




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Why is it worth it?

Around 200 jobs across the country

Around 200 jobs across the country

In the past decade and a half, we have found the right student for over 3000 positions, anywhere in the country

More than 10 000 satisfied customers

More than 10 000 satisfied customers

During these nearly 15 years, we have been delighted to collect such a high number of customer satisfactions regarding our service

More than 20 job categories

More than 20 job categories

You can choose not only from the most popular options, but in addition to host/hostess jobs or hospitality, you can also find content creation or home office options

More than 100 positions

More than 100 positions

With us, you won't have any trouble finding the right opportunity for you. You can find not only temporary jobs, but you also have the chance to land internship positions

Register our student cooperative.

First, you need to register with us on our website. However, you don't need to come to our office to sign the papers required for starting work, as you can complete the contract online. If you prefer to do it in person, you still have that option; our office is located in the 13th district of Budapest.

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Online Mentoring

Start online mentoring with us

Our results

500+ Partner

500+ Partner

We have a reliable partner network

30 person Professional Team

30 person Professional Team

We are professionally competent young professionals

25 000+ Employer

25 000+ Employer

We are professionally competent young professionals

25 000 Employee

25 000 Employee

We work with a continuously growing database

15+ year Experience

15+ year Experience

We have comprehensive market knowledge


Hundreds of interesting articles for job seekers and employers

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