Why student work?

Immediate financial benefit. Thanks to the discounts applicable to school cooperatives, our students' wages are exempt from contributions.

Work with us!

Our additional benefits

Direct cost savings

  • No wage payment during vacation or sick leave
  • Only the actual working hours for the task need to be considered
  • Exemption from paying rehabilitation contributions

Freed-up capacity

  • No need for advertisements, interviews, and administrative tasks related to employment
  • Payroll and payment are not the client's responsibility
  • The entire service fee is recorded as an expense invoice in the accounting

Transfer of responsibility

  • You are in a contractual relationship not with individuals, but with a cooperative possessing legal personality
  • No notice period, no severance pay


árajánlat alcím

+36 1 324 4062

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Azért vagyunk, hogy segítsünk, keress minket az alábbi elérhetőségeken:


Diák vagyok és szeretnék munkát találni

Munkát keresek

Állást kínálok és szeretnék jó munkaerőt találni

Munkaerőt keresek