Simple, Fast, and Flexible Student Job Placement for Companies

  • Zero Administration
  • Reduced Costs
  • Nationwide Coverage

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We help you maximize workforce employment! Let us show you how.

There are no unnecessary administrative and coordination tasks.

  • Only the worked hours are billed, guaranteeing no unexpected or extra wage costs.
  • All this at one of the most competitive prices on the market.
  • Moreover, you can use our services anytime - seasonally, continuously throughout the year, or occasionally.

4 facts you can ignore, but shouldn’t.

  1. Increased capacity
  2. The cooperative handles advertising, interviewing, and job-related administrative tasks
  3. Payroll and payments are not the responsibility of our partners
  4. The total service fee appears as a single cost invoice in accounting

How does the recruitment process work at Y Diák?

Our goal is to provide our students with proper professional development and to connect you, as an employer, with high-quality entry-level workers.

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Coordination, clarification of details



Checking work, settlement


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