5 Tips to Be More Environmentally Conscious This Spring
In spring, most of us tend to live a bit more hedonistically, which is natural after a long, gray winter. We all want to make the most of finally being able to escape the four walls and spend more time outdoors. Plus, there are plenty of colorful outdoor events nationwide that we can't resist.
So, what can we do to ensure that our fun during this busy time of year doesn't place an extra burden on the planet? Our student union team has gathered some tips for you!
1. Watch What You Drink From!
One of the biggest environmental problems during spring and summer outdoor events and festivals is single-use plastic cups. These are used in large quantities daily and usually end up in the wrong bin. Although we can't always avoid using them, if possible, ask for your drink in a glass or bring your own cup! This is useful not only at festivals but also for an evening drink at Elizabeth Square! 😉

2. Choose Public Transportation!
In spring, we often take weekend trips to the countryside. Instead of driving, choose public transportation: traveling by train or bus is more adventurous, as you get to meet many people during the journey, and you won't have to sit in traffic on Sunday evening. Still prefer driving? Opt for carpooling, either as a driver or a passenger.

3. Manage Waste Separation!
Amidst the many colorful spring events, it's often unavoidable to accept disposable plastic items. In such cases, be very mindful of where these items end up when you're done using them! If the event has a recycling bin, place your waste there without hesitation. If not, wipe the item with a napkin and put it in your bag – everyone will think you’re cool for it! 😉 It might be wise to always carry an old bag for this purpose, so your stuff doesn't get dirty in your bag.

4. Say No to Straws!
Unfortunately, most entertainment venues still automatically put straws in drinks, even though this nearly useless item is typically used for an average of just 20 minutes before ending up in the trash. Did you know that in the USA alone, enough straws are used daily to fill about 130 yellow school buses? So, always let the server know when ordering that you don't want a straw in your drink. If you love cocktails, it might be worth investing in a metal straw or a wooden stirrer, so being straw-free doesn't get in the way of enjoying your drinks! 😉

5. If You Exercise, Try Plogging!
Last year's big hit continues to be popular this year! If you often go running, take a small bag or trash bag and a pair of thin rubber gloves with you before heading out, and you're ready to go! All you have to do is collect any litter you find on the ground while running and throw it into a trash bin. This way, you’re not only taking care of your own health but also helping to protect our