Corporate Protocol Development for Precaution
As the end of the year approaches, March seems like a distant memory, when the world turned upside down due to the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that this nightmare has ended, and we can breathe easy, as everyone remains on high alert.
We must not grow weary of taking precautions and must remain vigilant until a worldwide effective solution is found.
“Hard work is much easier to endure if it's something you love to do, not something you are forced to do.” / Lisa Kleypas /
At Y Generáció Iskolaszövetkezet, we have developed a corporate protocol that outlines what and how we will act in the name of caution and how we will respond if the virus reappears within the team or nationwide curfews are reinstated.
Read on for Y Generáció’s corporate protocol tips!

Y Generáció’s Pandemic Corporate Protocol
The protocol we developed in response to the pandemic situation can be divided into three parts:
1. We created a home office policy.
The policy covers the following points:
- Working hours at home
- Online meetings
- Break times
- Equipment usage
- Communication channels
- Useful tips
We are also prepared to split the team into two groups, alternating two weeks of working from home and from the office. This method worked during the first wave in the spring, so we will continue and apply this method.
2. We planned team-building activities for the upcoming period.
We came up with both physical and online team-building activities. If you are curious about these ideas, we will share them in our upcoming blog post.

Health is the first and most important priority!
3. We consider taking precautionary measures to be crucial.
To this end, we have implemented the following measures:
- We have not used the office air conditioning for several months.
- We constantly ventilate, sometimes leaving the windows open all day.
- Every hour, one colleague disinfects all door handles, desks, and light switches.
- In the client reception area, we allow a maximum of 4 students at a time, and they can only enter if wearing a mask.
- A plexiglass wall has been installed at our reception desk.
- Our office kitchen is small, so only 2 colleagues are allowed to be in the kitchen at the same time.
- Colleagues are not required to wear masks at their desks, but they must put on a mask if they leave their desks, even if they are just moving within the office.
- Hand sanitizers have been placed at the reception.
- We have instructed all colleagues to stay home and work from home if they feel even slightly unwell or show any symptoms of a cold, following the home office rules outlined in point 1.
Recommendation for Our Partners
We recommend that all our partners create a pandemic plan and start implementing it! Introduce and announce the rules to be followed during the pandemic period to all employees.
By taking these steps, you can ensure a safer and more organized work environment, reducing the risk of spreading the virus and maintaining the productivity and morale of your team.