
Employer Branding - What You Need to Know!

Although salary is a crucial decision-making factor for young employees, it's not the only thing that matters. It's essential that building your employer brand becomes a defining part of your company's image enhancement. Today's Generation Z workers are more interested in the type of environment they will be working in, beyond the salary. Now is the time to use employer branding to show that your company is the best place to work!

Employer Branding – What Does the Employee Want?

Just like with your company's financial planning, you can only be successful in employer branding if you think strategically.

When planning your employer brand, the first step is to find out what values are important to your employees.

According to Trend International, it's crucial for Generation Z representatives that advanced technological backgrounds and innovations are present. They require closer relationships with colleagues to feel like part of a team rather than just coming in to work. Additionally, the provision of freedom and opportunities for development, and flexible working hours are of paramount importance to them.


Channel Your Employer Branding: Here’s How!

From a communication channels perspective, if you want to engage Generation Z, focusing on social media pages rather than paid website advertisements is more beneficial: Facebook and Instagram will be your best friends.

Although LinkedIn isn't a traditional social media site, it plays a crucial role in employer branding. Generation Z is increasingly recognizing LinkedIn's importance for job searching and career building. Dive deep into understanding this platform too!

The new generation is an avid consumer of visual, dynamic content. If your company has the capacity, being active on TikTok is an essential tool for employer branding. Since these are short, easy-to-consume, dynamic contents, your company’s values can reach the target more effectively.


Employer branding is essential for successful recruitment

Create Content!

Once you have established the foundations of employer branding, creating posts is the next step to success. You can hire a marketing company for employer branding content creation, but it's important to have your own independent ideas about the company's communication.

If you want to take matters into your own hands, we recommend starting with these topics for your employer branding:

Behind the Scenes: Show what life is like at your company! Publish pictures and short videos of daily life in the office. Document team-building and various corporate events to show that it's a privilege to be one of your employees. Milestones, Goals: Communicate your company's anniversaries and milestones on LinkedIn! Share statistics, write about your feelings regarding the events. Show the human side of corporate leadership! Mentoring: If you have an intern who has advanced to higher levels during their time with you, share their story on LinkedIn! This represents that your employee's development is among your top interests. Job Advertisements: Witty, ethical job advertisements can significantly boost employer branding. Highlight the expected salary, set realistic expectations for applicants, and focus not only on skills but also on human values!

We hope these tips will help you kickstart your employer branding activities and achieve fruitful results.


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