Focus on Appreciation
Most companies choose to employ students because this form of employment is the least expensive (for our article on taxation, click here) with minimal administration. However, it is important to keep in mind that Generation Y and Z—like older generations—are most effective and efficient when they feel good in their workplace.
And this level of satisfaction is highest when employees feel appreciated.
(for our article on taxation, click here)
5 Considerations for Leaders
"The deepest principle of human nature is the craving for appreciation." / William James /
To make employees feel appreciated, a leader should:
- If the others are already at work when the leader arrives, they should greet them first!
- The superior should show interest in their employees. Ask about their families, their concerns! Know about their successes they are proud of.
- If the leader has the capacity, follow up on what is happening in the employees' lives, for example, how the school start was or whether they passed their language exam.
- Respond to every email, even if it’s just to say “okay” or “thank you!”
- It is important for employees to feel heard and that their opinions matter. The leader should take time to listen to and consider their insights and comments.

Acknowledging that workplace appreciation is important for both young and old
Always keep in mind that after students graduate, they will be looking for full-time jobs. If someone worked at the company as a student, they already know the main processes and other employees. In such cases, if we employ the student long-term afterward, we can save on the training and initial adaptation period, which, let’s admit, can also mean saving money. Therefore, it is worthwhile to appreciate student employees, allow for their diversity, and involve them in company traditions.