Handling Change – How to Cope with It!
University years fly by in a blink, student job colleagues are continuously changing, and you see yourself differently now than a few years ago. On top of this, the onset of "threshold anxiety" complicates adapting to the many changes you experience daily. These transformations are never easy, but if you know a few survival techniques, these periods can be navigated more smoothly. Handling change isn’t impossible: read our blog post for some solid advice amidst the uncertainty!
Handling Change – Find the Root of the Problem!
Start with the basics in managing change. Ask yourself: am I an active participant in the change, or are things happening that I have no control over? We call the former voluntary change, while the latter is compulsory. This practice can greatly help in clearly identifying the problem's root and accordingly assist yourself.
The Healing Power of Acceptance
It's easy to run away, but that only takes you further from solving your problem! The first step in managing change is acceptance: come to terms with the fact that things are changing around you and recognize that this is just a transitional period. Even if you perceive the changes negatively, try to see the potential positive outcomes as well!

Managing Change Is Easier Together
Whether it’s a fellow student worker or even your boss: together is always easier! Talk about the feelings you are experiencing. Managing change starts with accepting the situation, and it can be greatly enhanced by the support of people you trust.
Slow Down the Pace!
You’re deep in the difficulties of a transition period, so naturally, you want to get through it as quickly as possible, right? Slow down: if you rush not only from school to work but from one state of being to another, you might make less favorable decisions. Take small steps in processing so that managing change does not become just another task to check off your to-do list, but a process from which you can learn a lot.

Further Managing Change
Of course, we have more tips up our sleeve to equip you for handling the next unexpected situation and to react more adeptly to surprises.
Firstly: focus on the problem, not on how it makes you feel! A problem-focused approach reduces the likelihood of getting stuck, helping you focus on solutions instead of being overwhelmed by negative emotions.
Secondly: work on your flexibility! Managing change is simpler if you can more easily adapt to altered situations and environments. Fortunately, flexibility is strengthened by activities that are also good for your mental hygiene:
- Start with self-care. Allow time for exercise, a weekly relaxing hangout with friends, binge-watching a series, and unwinding.
- Celebrate your achievements! If you've successfully navigated a difficult transitional period, reward yourself with a tasty treat, a coffee, or a long-desired piece of clothing.
- Establish priorities! It’s okay to say no to the eighth party invitation of the week or the fifth extra assignment at school. An average grade in less critical subjects is fine if it means you have more energy for yourself and managing unexpected situations.
- Recognize who stands with you during tougher times!