Hello Summer Job! – Earn Money and Gain Experience in 2 Months
Have you managed to relax after the school year? Caught up on all your Netflix shows? We have a great idea for how to make the most of your summer: get a student job with us!
A summer job is one of the best investments you can make for your future: gain valuable experience and discover what you're truly talented at! Let's kick off a productive summer!
Who is a Summer Job For?
For everyone who doesn't mind sacrificing a bit of their free time for the sake of their career – and a thicker wallet. At Y Generation, we welcome every full-time student over the age of 16 with parental permission. Even if you're just 15, you can still work with us during the summer break. It's important to note that while you might be a night owl, under 18s are not allowed to work night shifts. We can employ you from 6 AM to 10 PM. To start working, you just need to register on our website, visit our office to finalize the paperwork, and then you can start browsing! You can read more about how our student cooperative works and the registration process here.
Why is it Worth it for You?
The Dirty Details
At Y Generation, we strive to connect our corporate partners with the best workforce and students with the coolest and highest-paying student jobs. We offer a variety of job opportunities that will fill your piggy bank. Whether it's light physical work, office jobs, seasonal positions, or corporate internship programs, just a few clicks away are valuable experiences and the money that comes with them. Remember, students are also subject to the minimum wage legislation, so you can expect at least HUF 963 per hour.

Summer Job: Free Time vs. Experience
We always emphasize that it's best to experiment with different job fields while you still have the time. It's okay, and no one expects you to know what you want to do after finishing your studies at 15 or 16, but that's exactly what student jobs are for! You might feel that working takes away from your free time, but a summer job gives you much more than you think! Many people struggle with what to put on their resume after graduating. If you plan ahead and try out some positions while still in school, you'll gain valuable experience that will make you much more attractive to future employers. Any more arguments for just hanging out? 😉

Learning Outside of School
Most vocational and technical schools, as well as higher education institutions, require mandatory internships, and that's no coincidence. School provides great foundations and theoretical knowledge, but all knowledge is cemented through practical tasks. A summer job is the best way to gain experience you can imagine. You'll learn to take responsibility for your own work, work in a team, develop your problem-solving and communication skills, and so many other soft skills that school doesn't teach or only does so minimally, but student jobs excel at.

What Does a Student Job Mean?
It means you can build your career in a safe environment, without any rush, earning not only money and knowledge but also making great connections!
Take the first step towards your future! Click and check out our current student job offers!