Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!
Don't think so? You should! Mornings are often rushed, but that shouldn't be an excuse to skip breakfast! Here’s why everyone insists that you should eat in the morning. Daily tips from the Y Generation Student Union!
Why is breakfast important?
The simplest reason is that it kickstarts your metabolism at the beginning of the day. It's worth eating something light – like fruit – even if you're not the type to wake up ravenously hungry. By giving your body the necessary calories right after waking up, you'll have enough energy for the rest of the morning, starting your school or student workday cheerfully and in a good mood.
Moreover, if you have a good breakfast – and don't skip the following meals – you're less likely to overeat when you get home late at night, and you’ll sleep better too.
Breakfast signals to your body that you're on track to get the daily calories you need. If you skip breakfast, your body will think it needs to store everything it gets – so instead of using the calories you consume, it will retain more sugar and fat than usual.
But it's not just important to have breakfast; it's also important what you eat!
If you usually skip breakfast to get more sleep, here are two great basic breakfast recipes for you. You can vary these throughout the week, and they take just 10 minutes to prepare – so no excuses!
Smoothie for really rushed mornings, recommended by the Y Generation Student Union:
You'll need a blender or a smoothie maker – either will do. It's not a huge investment. If you live in a dorm or shared apartment – or even at home – you can buy one together. It costs less this way and definitely won't gather dust on the shelf.
Once you have it, start making smoothies! Here’s a little guide on what and how to combine to your liking.

Oats, oats, and oats!
Oats are a food you can't get tired of because you can prepare and flavor them in countless ways. Some cook them on the stove, others in the microwave – either way, it's a delicious, filling meal that provides plenty of energy for the rest of the day!
If you're bored with your daily porridge or want something a bit more special, we recommend switching to oat pancakes!
Don't worry! This only takes 5 extra minutes in your morning routine!
Make your favorite porridge, but this time, instead of adding fruit pieces, use mashed or grated fruit. Add a few extra ingredients, heat an oiled or buttered pan, and form small circles to make pancakes.
It’s not too complicated, but here’s a good recipe for guidance if needed.

Recipe: @lilivilága