
Improving Language Skills? Choose a Student Job!

As quickly as spring arrived, summer is approaching just as fast. That means soon you can swap your school commute pass for a Sziget festival pass. This is the perfect time to boost your bank account and dive into summer carefree. Need a little extra motivation? Combine pleasure with utility!

A student job is not only great for boosting your bank account, but also for improving your language skills. Here are some tips on how to make the most of it.

Passive and Active Language Skills

If your goal is to improve your language skills, it’s important to understand the concepts of passive and active language skills. You've probably studied English for years and might even have a language certificate tucked away, but it's been years since you last spoke the language. This is what we call passive language skills - you know the words and understand them, but can't speak the language actively. However, with a little effort, passive language skills can easily be brought to the surface, and a student job can help with that.

Student Jobs and Language Skills Improvement

While some of our jobs don’t require English, we are increasingly asking for conversational level language skills for certain positions. Don’t be intimidated—these are great opportunities to turn passive knowledge back into active use. Let's show you the jobs where you can improve the most!


Hospitality Jobs are a Turbo Boost for Language Skills

One of our most flexible job types is hospitality jobs, often located downtown or near popular attractions. As many tourists visit these restaurants and cafes, you'll inevitably have to speak English. Embrace the challenge! In these places, you typically need to use the same phrases and expressions, making language improvement simpler, yet you can still learn a lot.

Improving Language Skills with Host/Hostess Positions

From the host/hostess jobs, there are truly unique opportunities where you can showcase your language skills! If you need a bit of practice, it's worth checking out our open offers. You’ll generally need to talk about services or direct people at an event: language skill development here is more intense, as you need to respond more variably to their questions.


Advance in Your Career with a Professional Career Program!

Most fields of study at universities already use English terminology, so it’s a good idea to start familiarizing yourself with these before you graduate. Our professional career program is a perfect opportunity to ensure language skills do not stand in the way of achieving higher positions later on. Internship level expectations are smaller, but you get just enough responsibility to start your professional career and improve your language skills at the same time.


Ready to grow? Check out our current positions and join our Facebook group for the latest information!

Y Diák

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