Stress Management Tips for the Year-End Rush
In this article, we share stress management tips to help you overcome obstacles more easily! :)
1. Start Your Day Right!
You've probably experienced that if your morning starts off badly, the whole day can feel tainted: getting stuck in traffic, getting soaked on the way to university, or forgetting your wallet at home can easily cast a negative light on the rest of the day. Aim to start your morning with something positive! Wake up early to avoid rushing, have a delicious breakfast, drink a cup of tea, listen to music, or read a bit. Spending just half an hour on a pleasant activity can make your whole day better!
The best stress management tip is to establish a positive morning routine.

2. Have a Strict Schedule During the Year-End Rush!
Often, the year-end rush feels so stressful because we can’t keep track of all our tasks and there’s a constant fear of forgetting something or running out of time. This type of stress can be easily managed if you know exactly what you have time for each day and what tasks need to be completed.
As the saying goes: "If you don’t have a mind, use a notebook." Get a planner or a bullet journal and break down the big picture into smaller tasks to complete everything on time!
A daily routine contributes to a stable mental state, so it's best to wake up and go to bed at the same time every day. Leave the all-nighters and energy drinks to others and prepare calmly and in time for your challenges!
In a previous blog post, we provided tips on how to prevent procrastination. If you’re interested in the topic, be sure to check it out!
A hearty breakfast tops all other stress management tips!

3. Express Yourself!
If too many thoughts are racing through your head, it’s worth organizing them in a dedicated way to feel less burdened. Are your classmates annoying you, or do you feel like your university professor gave you an unfair amount of work? Grab a journal or even just a Word document and write down these stress factors – it might help to release your frustration.
If journaling isn't for you, try meditating! There are plenty of free guided meditations available on YouTube. Even ten minutes of meditation a day can help you feel calmer! One of the most useful stress management tips is regular journaling.

4. Create the Ideal Environment
The year-end rush often leaves its mark on your room, with notes scattered on the floor, cleaning long overdue, and unhealthy items like cigarettes, energy drinks, or too much coffee close at hand.
If you want to get through this period as smoothly as possible, choose calming items instead! Use scented candles, warm-toned mood lighting, and drink tea instead of coffee and cigarettes, and take magnesium! Magnesium has stress- and anxiety-reducing effects. If you don’t want to take it in tablet form, it's found in many vegetables and legumes.
To stay focused on your tasks, there are specially developed study music tracks available. And it goes without saying, but make sure to turn off your phone notifications!
Wishing You a Successful Year-End!
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