
5 Unconventional Hobbies for Summer Downtime

A hobby that suits your personality can be the perfect boredom buster and may even lead to a future career you enjoy. Join our student union and explore these unique hobbies!

1. Top Creative Hobby: Master the Art of Calligraphy

In our digital world, elegant and unique handwriting is even more appreciated and admired. Calligraphy is one of the oldest art forms, dating back to ancient Rome and Japanese art. All you need is a special pointed or chisel-tip pen, a pen holder or brush, ink, and paper – and, of course, some patience and perseverance. Creating intricate lines helps you slow down and focus inward. While improving your concentration, you can create beautiful invitations, gift cards, certificates, and quotes.


2. Try a New Sport: Discover Kangoo

Didn't quite achieve the bikini body and need a quick, effective solution to shed those quarantine pounds? Kangoo is a bouncy aerobics workout done in special shoes with curved plates. Despite appearances, it's not dangerous at all. The Kangoo shoes allow you to jump high, but their special design protects your feet and is gentle on your joints. A 50-minute session can result in intense fat burning and significant weight loss. Plus, jumping to music is incredibly fun and relaxing, making you more likely to enjoy and stick with your workouts.


3. Try Scrapbooking

In the age of computers, smartphones, and social media, you might only glance at your travel photos once or twice before forgetting about them. Scrapbooking allows you to bring your memories to life in a tangible form. With a bit of handcraft skill, patience, and creativity, you can create beautiful items: greeting cards, picture frames, journals, or photo albums. Use old photos, tickets, wristbands, natural finds like leaves and seeds – anything that makes your creation unique.


4. The Most Useful Summer Hobby: Learn a New Language

Few activities are as rewarding as learning a new foreign language: it provides a task that engages all parts of the brain and greatly improves memory. However, before committing to this hobby, clarify your motivations. You'll only be able to learn a new language on your own if you genuinely want to and aren't doing it under external pressure. Find the system that works best for you: we recommend progressing day by day, in small steps. Repeat often, as the more you engage with the new language, the faster it will stick.


5. Want to Help? Become a Volunteer!

Volunteering as a hobby gives you the chance to change lives – including your own. You've probably walked past families living on the streets or been saddened by the sight of a litter-strewn park. Even if you can't contribute financially to solving local, national, or global problems, there's one thing you can offer: your free time. Choose an area that truly interests you: help children with summer tutoring, become an animator at children's camps, participate in local food distributions, walk shelter dogs, or join an environmental group to clean up a forest. The more you put into volunteer work, the more you'll get out of it in experiences and positive feelings.

Pro tip: Since most high school students need to complete 50 hours of community service to graduate, look for volunteer work that your school can count towards this requirement.


If you still have some free time and want to work, click and check out our current student job offers!

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