Bet on It: You'll Keep Your Resolutions!
What did you resolve at the beginning of the year? And now, two weeks later, how are you doing with your resolutions? Here's some bad news based on past experience, which you probably already suspect: the vast majority of New Year's resolutions fail by mid-February. Only 8-10% of resolutions are actually kept – not great odds, right?
But here's some good news: you have everything you need to beat the odds and keep your resolutions. What's the secret? The Y Generation Student Union reveals it!
Overly ambitious goals and vague self-images don't provide enough motivation to actually achieve our dreams. Small, clear steps and easily achievable rules can lead to the desired outcome faster. "I'll buy a car this year!" sounds great, but it's not much of a resolution. After all, it doesn't give you any specific tasks beyond buying the car. What do you need to actually reach this goal? How about "I'll work at least 60 hours a month."? Or "I'll save X amount of money each month for the car."? You immediately know what to do, right? The big dream suddenly seems more attainable.

Nem arról van szó, hogy a fogadalmaid rosszak, sőt! Csak tovább kell őket gondolni; gyakorlatilag készítened kell egy konkrétabb tervet. Egy feladatlistát, amit – ha követed a lenti 4+1 lépést, – örömmel fogsz végezni. Tehát elő egy papírral vagy nyiss meg egy üres Word fájlt, és nézzük át közösen az fogadalmaidat!
It's not that your resolutions are bad, far from it! They just need further thought; you essentially need to create a more detailed plan. A task list that – if you follow these 4+1 steps – you'll happily complete. So grab a piece of paper or open a blank Word file, and let's review your resolutions together!
Step 1: Group and Dream!
First, think about the different areas of your life: school, family, friends, work, travel, money? Then reflect on and articulate your goals in each area. Do you want to get an advanced English language certificate? Lose 5 kg? Quit smoking? Travel to Spain? Write them all down!
Step 2: Dream Bigger!
Review the list and consider how achievable these goals are this year. Do you see a chance to achieve each one within the year? If so, your list isn't bold enough. Think longer-term: what's something you might not achieve this year but can start working towards now? Do you want to work as an engineer at a multinational company? Do you want to buy a house eventually? Add these to your list!

Step 3: Think About Yourself!
Review the list again! Remember, your primary responsibility is to yourself, so make resolutions that matter to you, that you genuinely want to achieve – just for yourself. Cross off anything that you'd resolve because of someone else's expectations rather than your own feelings. You won't be able to wholeheartedly fight for those. Resolutions are about you; you're not fulfilling others' dreams, only your own!
Step 4: Be Specific!
Now comes the best and most important part: break your goals down into smaller tasks. These tasks will define what exactly you need to do to achieve your goals. For example, if your goal is to "lose weight," you won't achieve it by just thinking about it. Then every day you'll stand on the scale scratching your head wondering, "Why haven't I lost anything yet?"
Take an example: "I want to work as an engineer at a multinational company."
What are your tasks?
- "Attend all classes that will be useful for my future job."
- "Attend all classes essential for obtaining my degree."
- "Send my CV to at least five places where I can work as an intern."
- "Spend half an hour each day reading professional articles." (You can finish this while sitting on the subway.)
…and so on. Write down everything that could help you achieve your goals, then assign deadlines, frequencies, amounts, or anything else that makes the task even more specific and tangible.

+1 Step: Plan!
It's worth creating a calendar or finding an app (there are many apps specifically designed for New Year's resolutions, just look it up), where you can note all deadlines and tasks related to your resolutions. This way, you'll have a ready-made, actionable plan for the whole year. Does the year seem too packed now? Are you suddenly overwhelmed by the many tasks? Then cross out or reschedule anything that seems unachievable now – it's probably unrealistic.
And what if, despite careful planning, you can't stick to something? If your year doesn't go as planned? Nothing happens. Life can throw curveballs, and yes, there will be things you won't achieve. But you'll still have a solid guide to fall back on if you suddenly don't know what the next step should be.
Got Your List Ready? 🙂 We hope our student union's tips have helped you!
Do you just need money to achieve your dreams?