
Certification for the Financially Most Stable Companies

Dun & Bradstreet, an international business information provider and rating agency, evaluates the financial stability and business reliability of all operating companies based on a continuously verified and proven methodology developed by international experts. Our company, WorkNow Hungary Ltd., has been selected as one of the financially most stable companies.

It is a great honor for our company to be ranked among the best based on Dun & Bradstreet's objective company rating. We place great importance on conducting our business fairly in the market, so it is crucial for us that an external expert has confirmed that our company's probability of insolvency is exceptionally low. We believe that the Dun & Bradstreet Certification will further enhance the trust of our clients, suppliers, and employees, which is increasingly important for long-term, solid business relationships. The recognition by an independent, international expert of our company's stability sends us a message that we are on the right track in building and developing our company. Since our company's rating was based strictly on professional criteria and cannot be applied for, the Dun & Bradstreet Certification truly distinguishes our company positively in the market.

AAA Certification

WorkNow Hungary Ltd. has received Dun & Bradstreet's AAA (Triple A) Certification, indicating that the financial risk of establishing a business relationship with us is extremely low.

The foundation of the Dun & Bradstreet Certification is the Dun & Bradstreet rating, which has been assessing companies based on their reliability internationally for many decades. The Dun & Bradstreet Certification, which is issued with AAA, AA, and A ratings, indicates the stability of companies and that a company with such a rating is financially stable. The AAA company rating was introduced in 1989, and since 1996, companies have had the opportunity to demonstrate their business reliability in the form of a certification. The certification allows eligible companies to show others that their company is recognized, reliable, and creditworthy. The Dun & Bradstreet Certification is used in various fields of business across many countries in Europe.

The Dun & Bradstreet rating is based on data from several official sources, such as the Ministry of Justice, company registry entries, the National Tax and Customs Administration, and other authorities in Hungary. Besides official sources, the rating incorporates financial information about the company, such as balance sheet data, income statements, and trends. It also considers demographic data about the company or organization, such as its age, activities, size, owners, and their connections. Payment discipline data from the Payment Experience Program is included, indicating whether the company pays its invoices on time or with delays. Additionally, various other collected information, such as enforcement data or news articles, are integrated into the Dun & Bradstreet rating.

Since the Dun & Bradstreet rating not only reflects our company's current financial stability but also predicts the likelihood of our company's insolvency over the next year, we can proudly state that WorkNow Hungary Ltd. will continue to be a stable player in the market in the future.

Y Diák

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