
Job Interview Guide: Seize Your Dream Student Job!

A few weeks ago, you read a blog post on our site about the elements of a perfect resume, focusing on the most important aspects of design and content composition. Today’s blog post aims to assist you again in the world of job hunting: we bring you a collection of the most important job interview questions and answers, along with some tricks.

It’s generally observed that most job interviews can be divided into several phases. It starts with warm-up questions, also known as "small talk," followed by your introduction, a description of the company and the job, and finally, you have the opportunity to ask any questions that have come up regarding the student job. Remember, the order is not set in stone, but it’s a common pattern to move from general questions to more specific ones.

1. Before the Job Interview Questions

It may seem surprising, but the interview starts the moment you enter the room where the conversation will take place. Pay attention to your non-verbal communication and appearance because first impressions matter a lot! If you arrive at a larger organization where you may meet a receptionist and an assistant, greet them and be polite. You never know if they might be your future colleagues. Be well-groomed and dress appropriately: choose elegant clothes but don’t overdo it! And never be late! 😊


Interview Preparation

If you tend to get nervous and have sweaty palms, it’s a good idea to wipe them before entering the interview room. Your handshake should be firm, introduce yourself confidently, and make eye contact with everyone present in the room. Many make the mistake of only focusing on the person asking the questions: remember that there may be others in the room who also have a say in your hiring.

2. Who Are You?

Every job interview begins with the well-known request: "Please, tell us about yourself!" Remembering our blog post about resumes, your future employers are not interested in your kindergarten experiences or your grades in literature and history. Instead, focus on these three areas: who you are, what you are doing now, and what opportunities you are looking for. Talk about your studies (highlighting your strengths), any relevant work experience, your interests, and future goals. While you can prepare for this question at home, make sure your speech doesn’t sound rehearsed. Be natural and calm.


3. What Do You Know About the Company?

After your introduction, the interviewers usually take over. Now that they have their first impression of you, they will tell you what they do and what kind of person they are looking for. It is a huge mistake if you hear this information for the first time during the interview. The most important (and BASIC) element of preparing for a job interview is researching the company you are applying to for a student job. You don’t need to memorize the “About Us” section of their website; instead, focus on how you can relate to what you read there. Highlight keywords and connect them to your experiences and knowledge.


4. Why Did You Apply for This Position?

Unfortunately, "I need the money" won’t cut it here. Instead, try to see the situation from the interviewer’s perspective. Every employer is looking for a team member who is enthusiastic, dedicated, and who wants to work for them. Even if you applied for multiple student jobs, never let that show. Always focus on the specific interview, the specific company, and “sell yourself” to that place. Think of some qualities that make you suitable for the position and explain what you like about the company! Examples: you know the company offers career opportunities, which you find very appealing, or you have bought the company’s products and feel you could be a valuable team member.


5. Why Are You Better Than the Other Candidates?

Clearly, you don’t know the other candidates, and you don’t need to be a mind reader to answer this question. The interviewer wants to see how well you know your abilities. Don’t be shy; be proud of your strengths! Avoid clichés: instead of empty, nice-sounding phrases, try to support your claims with concrete stories and relevant experiences, reinforcing that you are indeed the ideal choice. For example, if you say you’re a good team player, that’s great, but it will be even stronger if you can illustrate it with a past experience. If you want to emphasize your precision, have a story ready that clearly shows this.


Lastly: Stay Calm!

If you are applying for an internship, no one expects you to have professional experience. Interviewers in this case focus more on personality and who they think they can work well with. Remember, just like with the resume, the saying holds true: show your best self, but don’t overdo it!

Feel Ready?

Come and test your knowledge in practice! Click on our school cooperative’s website and check out our current job offers!

Y Diák

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