
Now or Never? Thoughts on the Psychology of Procrastination

We all know the saying: "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today!" Yet, many of us find ourselves in situations where, even as deadlines approach, we can't seem to get started on our tasks and leave everything to the last minute. We know we shouldn't, and that delaying won't solve our problems. We sit idly, waiting for a miracle, but do nothing to progress.

Whether it’s school or work, if you’ve ever been caught in this vicious cycle, the latest post from the Y Generation Student Union might inspire you.


Time Pressure

Procrastination is a natural part of our lives, as prioritizing tasks and ranking them by importance is necessary. The problem begins when procrastination becomes a personality trait overshadowing our daily lives. Chronic procrastination, or procrastination, refers to the behavior where we are unable to compel ourselves to complete certain tasks or duties. We waste time with various activities just to avoid focusing on the looming pile of tasks: cleaning the house, watching another episode of a series, reading one more article, liking another photo, feeding the dog – just to name a few classics.



Many defend themselves by saying "pressure makes the palm tree grow" and claim to perform better under time constraints. Unfortunately, reality does not support this trend. The longer we delay, the more we are burdened with guilt, stress, and anxiety. We don’t want to scare anyone, but halfway through the semester, it’s high time to look at the pile of tasks (and ourselves) and prevent procrastination panic. Here’s how!

1. Break it Down!

If you've been procrastinating long enough, the amount of work can be intimidating. Break it down into smaller tasks, making the problem more manageable, and completing each unit will not only give you a sense of achievement but also motivate you!


2. Commit (For Real)!

Remember, the deadline won’t wait. While chat messages, emails, your dog, and cleaning your room can wait, your duties cannot be postponed. It’s time for your willpower to triumph over laziness: vow not to leave your desk until the designated task is fully completed.

3. Create the Right Conditions!

Some people concentrate better with music, while for others it’s a distraction. Find out what you need to block out the world and focus solely on what needs to be done. It usually helps to tidy up your surroundings (e.g., your desk), prepare a glass of water in advance so you don’t have to go out for it later, and mute your phone notifications.


4. Reward Yourself!

This isn’t just for kids – reward yourself with a piece of chocolate, listening to a song, or taking a short walk in the garden after completing a goal. But be careful not to let the "motivator" derail you from your original goal, or you might find yourself rewarding yourself with another 1-hour episode.

5. Be Patient with Yourself

You won’t change a deeply ingrained (bad) habit overnight, so don’t let initial failures discourage you. If you’re uncertain, remember why you’re doing it and how much easier your life will be if you don’t give up! Nothing is more motivating than a finished task; it will fill you with satisfaction and confidence to see the results of your perseverance.

Feeling determined to show your commitment in action? Click and check out the current student jobs at our union!

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Y Diák

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