
The First Day of a Student Job

The thought of the first day at a student job can be daunting and stressful, as you face the unknown. Here are some tips to help you prepare and confidently navigate the start of your student job.

How to Prepare for the First Day of a Student Job?

Why do we stress about a new job or student job? Fear and stress are evolutionary legacies, as it was vital in the animal kingdom to flee from natural disasters and predators. Although the cause of the threat has changed, the underlying fear still stems from a lack of information. Lack of confidence often results from unpreparedness. Combat this by arming yourself with as much knowledge as possible about your future workplace. The first job, being a change, can indeed be stressful. If you’re interested in how to cope with this, this article is for you!


If you haven’t found a job yet and are considering an office job, we’ve listed some advantages to consider. Click here to read more!

Be Excited to Work Here as a Student Worker

Be excited, even if you feel nervous because you were chosen, you were the right candidate, you got the job. All the preparatory work and the effort you put into the interviews have rewarded you with this position. If you enter the office with a big smile, openness, and good energy, it will pay off!

Be a Curious Student Worker!

Show interest. The best thing you can do—especially on your first workday—is to pay attention, pay attention, pay attention. Colleagues not only provide information about the work but also about the workplace culture; make the most of this, soak up as much as you can. You can also check on LinkedIn to see what everyone does. Introduce yourself on the first day, say hello to as many people as possible, make eye contact, and be open with your body language. You’ll feel more confident if you get to know the new colleagues. For example, invite them out for lunch and ask them for lunch ideas or if they would like to join you. Ask about what they do, their favorite hobbies, or Netflix series. Be empathetic, put yourself in their shoes. Setting your mobile to vibrate on the first day shows that you are fully attentive to the people around you.

Ask Questions as a Student Worker

If you’re not sure you understand a sentence or task, a simple trick is to repeat it back. This helps clarify and fill in any communication gaps. Don’t worry, you won’t immediately be labeled as the clueless student worker!


What to Avoid as a Student Worker

Negative comparisons with a previous workplace are not productive; it's unnecessary to bring up examples of what was better, how things were done, or how much you disliked your previous boss.

Don’t try too hard to be liked or enthusiastically agree with everything forcibly; likewise, your religion or worldview isn’t something to impose on your colleagues initially.

Be accessible to your boss, regardless of administrative tasks, always set aside your work if called upon. Don’t suddenly drop bombs like needing to leave early on a Friday. Don’t fiddle with your phone, don’t let it be a distraction.

Avoid gossiping and getting involved in gossip; you’ll always come out worse for it.

Your colleagues don’t want to hear what you can’t do; be open and ready to learn. Approach your new role with humility, don’t act as if you know everything. Don’t ask about bonuses like Christmas gifts – you will find out in time. Focus your energy on your work, as your attitude will be under the spotlight in the first few days.

Even if you are unsure of yourself at first, believe that your approach to work, your casualness, your kindness, and your approachability will be appreciated. Talk to everyone with the respect you would show to your boss. If you want to improve in practice, check out our current offers!


Y Diák

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