Help Others Just Because You Can!
You might not be surprised by how many people need help. These are people you may never meet, who cannot directly tell you what would truly help them.
You might not be surprised by how many people need help. These are people you may never meet, who cannot directly tell you what would truly help them. Selflessness and courage are not so different from each other.
– Veronica Roth
Many people need assistance, including those you will never meet and who cannot directly communicate their exact needs. Various non-governmental organizations (NGOs) guide us in this regard, working to provide professionally grounded, organized, and effective solutions to certain societal problems. Many of these organizations truly understand real needs, creating programs through which we can efficiently contribute to solving tasks, addressing social issues, beautifying our environment, and improving others' lives.
Every team member of the Y Generation Student Union finds it important and a joy to help others. This year, our union collaborated with the TündérPakk Foundation.
With Christmas approaching and the cold winter weather setting in, the need for help becomes even more critical – although this is true throughout the year.
As cliché as it may sound, giving to others and supporting others is indeed a noble and good deed.
Often the fundamental problem is that we do not know who to help and how, right?
There are various forms of donation: financial, material, and a third category – volunteer work.
Would you like to help? Then do it!
To make it easier for you, we have compiled a list of some NGOs and opportunities through which you can help in an organized manner, ensuring that all those in need receive donations that are genuinely useful to them.

Volunteering to Help
MikulásGyár (Santa Factory)
The organization only accepts donations in the following categories:
- Pasta, canned food, oil, sugar, salt, flour, etc.
- Cleaning and hygiene products
- Good quality clothes, blankets, toys, books
What happens to your donations?
Volunteers sort the donations into boxes, and then the Hungarian Post delivers these boxes to the Hungarian Red Cross's regional centers. The Red Cross distributes the contents of the boxes – as packages – based on need.
From November 29 to December 21, 2019, you can drop off donations at various locations:
- Millenáris Park: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM
- Lurdy House: 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM
- József Attila Theater: weekdays 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM
- Most post offices are also official drop-off points where you can leave your donations during opening hours.
For more information, click here.
Amigos a Gyerekekért Alapítvány (Friends for Children Foundation) – adományoZOKNI
The foundation gifts everyone who donates at least 4,000 HUF with two pairs of limited edition cute and trendy Christmas socks. One pair is for you, and the other pair can be a gift for someone important to you! 😊
If you're interested in the organization's activities and this form of donation, you can learn more here.
Hungarian Red Cross
You can sign up as a volunteer here.
Helping is in Your Blood!
You can also donate online and by phone here.

Animal Shelters
In addition to our fellow humans, animals and the organizations supporting them also need help. These organizations typically appreciate donations of pet food, bandages, and medicines. In many places, you can brighten the day of animals by walking the dogs, but the best way to help is by adopting, as it saves two animals: the one you take home and care for responsibly for the rest of its life, and the one that can be taken in its place.
There are many such shelters: smaller ones – who may need help more – and larger ones alike. You can typically find these organizations on Facebook, and you can get more information about how to help on their websites.
Here are a few, but it's best if you find an organization whose activities are close to your heart:
- Noé Animal Shelter Foundation
- Budaörsi Animal Shelter
- Jane Goodall Institute
If you want to know more about us and our goals, click here.
Remember, helping others is not only noble but also immensely fulfilling. Get involved, contribute, and make a difference!