
Spring Cleaning in the Office

Refreshing and renewing your workspace can have a positive impact on employees. An office spring clean can help achieve this.

With the arrival of spring, people often feel an irresistible urge to renew themselves inside and out. Many start detoxing, revamp their wardrobe, or redecorate their homes. For employees, a refreshed and renewed workplace can have a similarly positive effect. Recently, we wrote about 5+1 New Year office refresh tips, and now we focus on spring cleaning and organization. Join us!

Why Spring Clean the Office?

Clutter and unnecessary items around us represent a series of postponed decisions. We work in offices filled with objects daily. Some have entire offices, while others have just a desk. We’ve become so accustomed to our surroundings that we often don’t notice what’s around us. Take a look around your office: are the desks, cabinets, and shelves placed intentionally? Organizing and filing papers may not be a priority since it’s not as exciting as launching a new product or introducing new processes. But have you ever noticed the clutter during a meeting? Does the sunlight struggle to enter because of dirty windows? Put an end to this!


Reasons for Office Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning and Organization – How?

Most offices are filled with too much stuff. This includes personal items and many things we’re unsure who should decide on or how long to keep. Look at the items around you and ask yourself: “Does this item help me achieve my goal?”, “Can I sell more with it?”, “Can I create a better strategy in this environment?”, “Will my events be better if I work with this?”, “Does it help me enjoy my time in the office more?”

Is your team working from home? It's also important for employees to work in the most favorable conditions at home. Here are 5+1 tips for effective home working.


Tips for Office Spring Cleaning

When Will I Have Time for This?

It’s worth regularly making time to get rid of dust, dirt, deposits, and microbes. An annual or biannual deep clean isn’t enough! Regular office cleaning is also needed to maintain a clean and hygienic environment for yourself and your employees. Both types of cleaning are necessary. Especially now, daily attention is crucial: disinfection is essential. In smaller offices, weekly or occasional cleaning may be enough, but regardless of size and number of employees, focus on spring cleaning when desks are moved and shelves are organized.

Don't Let Chaos Reign in the Office!

Here are 5 steps to complete your spring cleaning:

Categorize Incoming, Outgoing, and Filing Papers:

  • Incoming: papers you haven’t reviewed yet.
  • Outgoing: papers waiting to be sent to their recipient.
  • Filing: papers waiting to be filed in the appropriate binder.

Create an Easy System for Unneeded Items:

  • If there’s no shredder next to your desk, collect documents to be destroyed separately. Don’t place them on your desk as they can get mixed up with other papers. Decide how often you will destroy these collected papers: daily, before lunch, or in the morning while reading the news.

Reduce Post-Its and Small Papers:

  • Use a desk calendar or an online calendar with reminders to reduce sticky notes. It’s easier to schedule with others than with yourself. Schedule your tasks to reduce the chance of forgetting them.

Organize Online Systems:

  • Group data and files on your computer into clearly labeled folders. Delete emails older than a year from your mailbox.

Hire a Reliable Cleaning Service:

  • For disinfection and other cleaning tasks, hire a specialized company. Don’t hesitate to delegate tasks that can be easily outsourced, freeing up time for more important matters.

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